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   The big  The intention of my research (which originated the site) is the memories, the stories because an object is nothing without its meanings, the  stories and their insertion in the human context,  the memories and their narratives. Looking at people, their memories, narratives is to get a little closer to each person, it is to learn, it is to understand the other a little more. Looking at a world beyond our history, noticing the similarities and  differences. And learn  and live with contradictions. And sure enough, this is all very beautiful.   It is the people who make the objects have the  meaning, the dolls  can only be thought of from the human being, as a production resulting from the work of some,  of memories  of others and the humanization of the doll  is given from the perceptions  and meanings of the human being.

   Some of Susi dolls  they have a deep relationship with my childhood, either because I had the doll, or because they remind me in some way of my childhood.  Others bring contexts in which I perceive  Forms of  representativeness. Some I will look for stories and memories to tell them. I have the greatest affection  in this project, his memory is important to compose the oral history in this endeavor.

  I want to know your memory, tell me. It doesn't matter if you don't have the doll anymore.  I would like to hear your narrative. you can collaborate  counting your  story.

  For  collaborate contact us via email

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Susi 1970


This is the first Susi I've done preservation and care work.  It was the first doll I acquired for the collection. 
The lace of Baiana's costume is not from Estrela's original costume, but from Estrela's clothing.
  old  doll tutor.  I preserved it, even though I had the income  from the 60s/70s (which belonged to my grandmother and was very close to Estrela's original clothes).  because the income  that came in the doll's costume  have the memory  gives  former tutor. So, for me this memory is worth much more than being similar to the factory. The doll came out of the box, participated in games, in the child's imagination of a child. And this is so beautiful. 

I made some interferences, just in accessories, I made some necklaces and the head arrangement that  will be improved after  pass the critical phase of the pandemic and I can move around freely mining the details. But this beautiful doll with many stories  that was kept very carefully,  in a carioca closet, now lives in another  home, in another state. AND  is part of a small collection  of a memory project that starts to be built  and has the dream and intention, among others, to have a real exhibition circulating through several cities, rescuing people's stories and memories. The former owner of the doll told some stories and  will report the memories in a video (which I'm awaiting).

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